@ -19,38 +19,32 @@ from .stream import Stream
logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
class Sipcentric ( object ) :
def __init__ (
self ,
username ,
password ,
base = " https://pbx.sipcentric.com/api/v1 " ,
customer = " me " ,
) :
self . username = username # Account username
self . password = password # Account password
self . base = base # Base API URL (default: https://pbx.sipcentric.com/api/v1)
self . customer = customer # Customer (default: me)
# Resources
self . account = Account ( self )
self . callBundles = CallBundles ( self )
self . recordings = Recordings ( self )
self . phoneBook = PhoneBook ( self )
self . timeIntervals = TimeIntervals ( self )
self . endpoints = Endpoints ( self )
self . phoneNumbers = PhoneNumbers ( self )
self . sms = Sms ( self )
self . creditStatus = CreditStatus ( self )
self . calls = Calls ( self )
self . sounds = Sounds ( self )
self . outgoingCallerIds = OutgoingCallerIds ( self )
self . stream = Stream ( self )
API_BASE = " https://pbx.sipcentric.com/api/v1 "
class SipcentricException ( Exception ) :
class AuthenticationException ( SipcentricException ) :
class API ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , username , password , base = None ) :
self . username = username
self . password = password
self . base = API_BASE if base is None else base
def _request ( self , uri , method = " GET " , data = None , params = None ) :
url = self . base + " /customers/ " + self . customer + " / " + uri
auth = requests . auth . HTTPBasicAuth ( self . username , self . password ) # Basic auth
if uri . startswith ( " https:// " ) :
url = uri
else :
url = self . base + uri
auth = requests . auth . HTTPBasicAuth ( self . username , self . password )
print ( method , url , params )
if method == " GET " :
if params :
@ -91,7 +85,7 @@ class Sipcentric(object):
elif r . status_code == 401 :
raise AuthenticationException (
" We couldn' t authenticate you with the API. Make sure you are using the correct credentials from the ' Web Users ' section of the control panel. If you dont have an account, sign up for one at https://my.nimvelo.com/signup "
" Could no t authenticate you with the API. Make sure you are using the correct credentials from the ' Web Users ' section of the control panel. "
return False
@ -101,125 +95,214 @@ class Sipcentric(object):
else :
raise Exception (
" HTTP Error " + str ( r . status_code ) ,
" Something went wrong with the request " ,
" Something went wrong with the request . " ,
return False
def get ( self , uri , params = None ) :
return self . _request ( uri , method = " GET " , params = params )
class Account ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent ) :
self . parent = parent
self . uri = " " # Not needed for the base of the customer
def get ( self ) :
return self . parent . _request ( self . uri )
class CallBundles ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent ) :
self . parent = parent
self . uri = " callbundles "
def getMany ( self , uri , params = None , startPage = 1 , pageSize = 20 ) :
if params is None :
params = { ' pageSize ' : pageSize , ' page ' : startPage }
else :
params [ ' pageSize ' ] = pageSize
params [ ' page ' ] = startPage
resp = self . _request ( uri , " GET " , params = params )
for item in resp . get ( ' items ' , [ ] ) :
yield item
nextPage = resp . get ( ' nextPage ' , None )
while nextPage :
resp = self . _request ( nextPage , " GET " )
for item in resp . get ( ' items ' , [ ] ) :
yield item
nextPage = resp . get ( ' nextPage ' , None )
def post ( self , uri , data = None , params = None ) :
return self . _request ( uri , method = " POST " , data = data , params = params )
def patch ( self , uri , data = None , params = None ) :
return self . _request ( uri , method = " PATCH " , data = data , params = params )
def put ( self , uri , data = None , params = None ) :
return self . _request ( uri , method = " PUT " , data = data , params = params )
class APIObject ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , api , id = None , data = None ) :
self . _api = api
self . _id = id
if data :
self . _id = data . get ( ' id ' , None )
self . _data = data
def makeUrl ( cls , _id = None ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def data ( self ) :
if self . _data is None :
self . _data = self . _api . get ( self . makeUrl ( ) )
return self . _data
def set_data ( self , data ) :
self . _data = data
def create ( self ) :
if self . _id :
raise ValueError ( " %s ID %d already created " % ( self . __class__ . __name__ , self . _id ) )
if not self . _data :
raise ValueError ( " No data associated with record. " )
self . _data = self . _api . post ( self . __class__ . makeUrl ( ) , data = self . _data )
self . _id = self . _data . get ( ' id ' )
return self . _data
def update ( self ) :
if not self . _id :
raise ValueError ( " %s not yet created " % ( self . __class__ . __name__ , ) )
if not self . _data :
raise ValueError ( " No data associated with record. " )
self . _data = self . _api . patch ( self . makeUrl ( ) , data = self . _data )
self . _id = self . _data . get ( ' id ' )
return self . _data
def makeUrl ( cls , id = None , parent = None ) :
if id :
path = " / %s / %d / " % ( cls . URLPART , id )
else :
path = " / %s / " % ( cls . URLPART )
if parent :
return ( parent + path ) . replace ( " // " , " / " )
return path
def url ( self , parent = None ) :
return self . __class__ . makeUrl ( self . _id , parent )
class Account ( APIObject ) :
def makeUrl ( cls , id = None , parent = None ) :
if parent :
raise ValueError ( " Account should not have a parent " )
if id :
raise NotImplementedError ( ' There can be only one (Partner account) ' )
return " / "
def create ( self ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( ' You need to sign up as a new partner at https://www.simwood.com/partner/ ' )
def customers ( self ) :
for c in self . _api . getMany ( Customer . makeUrl ( ) ) :
yield Customer ( self . _api , data = c )
class Customer ( APIObject ) :
def makeUrl ( cls , id = None , parent = None ) :
if parent :
raise ValueError ( " Customer should not have a parent " )
if id == " me " :
return " /customers/me/ "
elif id :
return " /customers/ %d / " % id
else :
return " /customers/ "
def get ( self ) :
return self . parent . _request ( self . uri )
def endpoints ( self ) :
for c in self . _api . getMany ( Endpoint . makeUrl ( parent = self . url ( ) ) ) :
yield Endpoint ( self . _api , data = c )
def phonenumbers ( self ) :
for c in self . _api . getMany ( PhoneNumber . makeUrl ( parent = self . makurleUrl ( ) ) ) :
yield PhoneNumber ( self . _api , data = c )
class Recordings ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent ) :
self . parent = parent
self . uri = " recordings "
def calls ( self , params = None ) :
for c in self . _api . getMany ( Call . makeUrl ( parent = self . url ( ) ) , params = params , pageSize = 100 ) :
yield Call ( self . _api , data = c )
def get ( self ) :
return self . parent . _request ( self . uri )
def callbundles ( self ) :
for c in self . _api . getMany ( CallBundle . makeUrl ( parent = self . url ( ) ) ) :
yield CallBundle ( self . _api , data = c )
def recordings ( self ) :
for c in self . _api . getMany ( Recording . makeUrl ( parent = self . url ( ) ) ) :
yield Recording ( self . _api , data = c )
class PhoneBook ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent ) :
self . parent = parent
self . uri = " phonebook "
def phonebooks ( self ) :
for c in self . _api . getMany ( PhoneBook . makeUrl ( parent = self . url ( ) ) ) :
yield PhoneBook ( self . _api , data = c )
def get ( self ) :
return self . parent . _request ( self . uri )
def timeintervals ( self ) :
for c in self . _api . getMany ( TimeInterval . makeUrl ( parent = self . url ( ) ) ) :
yield TimeInterval ( self . _api , data = c )
def smss ( self ) :
for c in self . _api . getMany ( Sms . makeUrl ( parent = self . url ( ) ) ) :
yield Sms ( self . _api , data = c )
class TimeIntervals ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent ) :
self . parent = parent
self . uri = " timeintervals "
def sounds ( self ) :
for c in self . _api . getMany ( Sound . makeUrl ( parent = self . url ( ) ) ) :
yield Sound ( self . _api , data = c )
def get ( self ) :
return self . parent . _request ( self . uri )
def outgoingcallerids ( self ) :
for c in self . _api . getMany ( OutgoingCallerId . makeUrl ( parent = self . url ( ) ) ) :
yield OutgoingCallerId ( self . _api , data = c )
def creditstatuses ( self ) :
for c in self . _api . getMany ( CreditStatus . makeUrl ( parent = self . url ( ) ) ) :
yield CreditStatus ( self . _api , data = c )
class Endpoints ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent ) :
self . parent = parent
self . uri = " endpoints "
def get ( self ) :
return self . parent . _request ( self . uri )
class Endpoint ( APIObject ) :
URLPART = " endpoints "
class PhoneNumbers ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent ) :
self . parent = parent
self . uri = " phonenumbers "
class PhoneNumber ( APIObject ) :
URLPART = " phonenumbers "
def get ( self ) :
return self . parent . _request ( self . uri )
class Call ( APIObject ) :
URLPART = " calls "
class Sms ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent ) :
self . parent = parent
self . uri = " sms "
def get ( self ) :
return self . parent . _request ( self . uri )
class CallBundle ( APIObject ) :
URLPART = " callbundles "
def post ( self , to = None , _from = None , body = None ) :
data = { " type " : " smsmessage " , " to " : to , " from " : _from , " body " : body }
return self . parent . _request ( self . uri , method = " POST " , data = data )
class Recording ( APIObject ) :
URLPART = " recordings "
class CreditStatus ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent ) :
self . parent = parent
self . uri = " creditstatus "
def get ( self ) :
return self . parent . _request ( self . uri )
class PhoneBook ( APIObject ) :
URLPART = " phonebook "
class Calls ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent ) :
self . parent = parent
self . uri = " calls "
class TimeInterval ( APIObject ) :
URLPART = " timeintervals "
def get ( self ) :
return self . parent . _request ( self . uri )
class Sound ( APIObject ) :
URLPART = " sounds "
class Sounds ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent ) :
self . parent = parent
self . uri = " sounds "
def get ( self ) :
return self . parent . _request ( self . uri )
class OutgoingCallerId ( APIObject ) :
URLPART = " outgoingcallerids "
class OutgoingCallerIds ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , parent ) :
self . parent = parent
self . uri = " outgoingcallerids "
class CreditStatus ( APIObject ) :
URLPART = " creditstatus "
def get ( self ) :
return self . parent . _request ( self . uri )
class Sms ( APIObject ) :
URLPART = " sms "
class AuthenticationException ( Exception ) :
# def post(self, to=None, _from=None, body=None):
# data = {"type": "smsmessage", "to": to, "from": _from, "body": body}
# return self.parent._request(self.uri, method="POST", data=data)
if __name__ == " __main__ " :