a bit more tidying after refactoring

This commit is contained in:
Marek Isalski 2018-06-16 14:18:22 +02:00
parent 27afe2229f
commit e0cddbbd27
2 changed files with 16 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
from flask import Flask, request
import os
import incident
import datetime
import subprocess
import re
@ -49,9 +48,7 @@ def is_incident_channel_name( channel_name ):
return channel_name.startswith( app.config[ "MATTERMOST_INCIDENT_CHANNEL_PREFIX" ] )
def mattermost_incident_command():
cmd = request.form[ 'text' ].strip().split()[ 0 ].upper()
def mattermost_incident_command( cmd ):
app.mm.posts.create_post( options = { 'channel_id': request.form[ 'channel_id' ],
'message': "### Executing `" + cmd + "`...",
} )
@ -118,25 +115,24 @@ def mattermost_incident_command():
return "OK"
def mattermost_incident_start():
def mattermost_incident_start( description, team_id, user_name, user_id, channel_id ):
raw_incident_number = incident.generate_raw_incident_number()
fi_number = raw_incident_number_to_public_incident_number( raw_incident_number )
channel_name = raw_incident_number_to_channel_name( raw_incident_number )
purpose = request.form[ 'text' ]
channel = app.mm.channels.create_channel( options = { "team_id": request.form[ 'team_id' ],
channel = app.mm.channels.create_channel( options = { "team_id": team_id,
"name": channel_name,
"display_name": fi_number,
"purpose": purpose,
"purpose": description,
"header": "",
"type": "O",
} )
# add user to the channel we just created
app.mm.client.make_request( 'post', '/channels/' + channel[ 'id' ] + '/members', options = { 'user_id': request.form[ 'user_id' ],
app.mm.client.make_request( 'post', '/channels/' + channel[ 'id' ] + '/members', options = { 'user_id': user_id,
} )
app.mm.posts.create_post( options = { 'channel_id': channel[ 'id' ],
'message': "Incident discussion channel for [%s](%s) created by @%s." % ( fi_number, raw_incident_number_to_url( incident_number ), request.form[ 'user_name' ] ),
'message': "Incident discussion channel for [%s](%s) created by @%s." % ( fi_number, raw_incident_number_to_url( incident_number ), user_name ),
} )
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" )
@ -175,12 +171,12 @@ Again, don't forget to **/incident PUBLISH** once making changes.
Again, after setting the headline status you must: **/incident PUBLISH**
## Good luck, Incident Commander @%(commander_name)s!""" % { "incident_url": raw_incident_number_to_url( incident_number ),
"commander_name": request.form[ 'user_name' ],
"commander_name": user_name,
"now": now,
} )
app.mm.posts.create_post( options = { 'channel_id': request.form[ 'channel_id' ],
app.mm.posts.create_post( options = { 'channel_id': channel_id,
'message': 'On behalf of @%s I have started incident ~%s.' % ( request.form[ 'user_name' ], channel_name, ),
} )
@ -200,9 +196,15 @@ def mattermost_incident():
if request.form[ 'token' ] in app.config[ 'MATTERMOST_COMMAND_TOKENS' ]:
if is_incident_channel_name( request.form[ 'channel_name' ] ):
return mattermost_incident_command()
cmd = request.form[ 'text' ].strip().split()[ 0 ].upper()
return mattermost_incident_command( cmd )
return mattermost_incident_start()
return mattermost_incident_start( description = request.form[ 'text' ],
team_id = request.form[ 'team_id' ],
user_name = request.form[ 'user_name' ],
user_id = request.form[ 'user_id' ],
channel_id = request.form[ 'channel_id' ],
return "Invalid command token."

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