initial import

This commit is contained in:
Marek Isalski 2021-07-25 13:12:55 +01:00
commit 804417481a
3 changed files with 206 additions and 0 deletions

.hgignore Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

g2f-sync Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
from fulcrmpy import apiv2 as fulcrm
import sys
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import datetime
import dns.resolver
import json
import re
resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver()
vlan_re = re.compile( r"([:\.][0-9]+)" )
THINGTYPE_VM = "/api/v2/thingtype/4/"
USER_MAREK = "/api/v2/user/1/"
ganeti_cluster = sys.argv[ 1 ]
fulcrmapi = fulcrm.APIv2( sys.argv[ 2 ], sys.argv[ 3 ] )
ganeti_auth = HTTPBasicAuth( sys.argv[ 4 ], sys.argv[ 5 ] )
def ganeti_get_instances( cluster ):
global ganeti_auth
cluster = ""
req = requests.get( "https://" + cluster + ":5080/2/instances", verify = False, auth = ganeti_auth )
return req.json()
def ganeti_get_instance( cluster, name ):
global ganeti_auth
cluster = ""
req = requests.get( "https://" + cluster + ":5080/2/instances/" + name, verify = False, auth = ganeti_auth )
return req.json()
def fulcrm_get_thing( uuid = None, source_str = None, source = None, name = None ):
if uuid:
for thing in fulcrmapi.get_many( "/api/v2/thing/",
query = { "expand": [ "d", "related_from_thing2things", "related_to_thing2things", "thing2thingtypes", "thing2thingtypes.thingtype" ],
"passport__system": [ "gan2ful.%s" % ganeti_cluster ],
"passport__passport": [ uuid ],
} ):
return ( thing, True )
for thing in fulcrmapi.get_many( "/api/v2/thing/",
query = { "expand": [ "d", "related_from_thing2things", "related_to_thing2things", "thing2thingtypes", "thing2thingtypes.thingtype" ],
"uuid": [ uuid ],
} ):
return ( thing, False )
if source_str:
if source:
for thing in fulcrmapi.get_many( "/api/v2/thing/",
query = { "expand": [ "d", "related_from_thing2things", "related_to_thing2things", "thing2thingtypes", "thing2thingtypes.thingtype" ],
"source": [ source ],
"source_str": [ source_str ],
} ):
return ( thing, False )
for thing in fulcrmapi.get_many( "/api/v2/thing/",
query = { "expand": [ "d", "related_from_thing2things", "related_to_thing2things", "thing2thingtypes", "thing2thingtypes.thingtype" ],
"source_str": [ source_str ],
} ):
return ( thing, False )
if name:
for thing in fulcrmapi.get_many( "/api/v2/thing/",
query = { "expand": [ "d", "related_from_thing2things", "related_to_thing2things", "thing2thingtypes", "thing2thingtypes.thingtype" ],
"name": [ name ],
} ):
if thing[ 'source' ]:
print( '"%s" already exists source "%s" source_str "%s"' % ( name, thing[ 'source' ], thing[ 'source_str' ] ) )
return ( thing, False )
def ganeti_vlan( val ):
if val:
return [ x for ( i, x ) in enumerate( vlan_re.split( val ) ) if i % 2 ]
return None
def unix_to_8601( t ):
if t:
return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( t ).strftime( "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" )
def fulcrm_set_d( d, key, value ):
logs = []
if key in d:
if d[ key ] != value:
logs.append( "changing %s from %s" % ( repr( key ), json.dumps( value ) ) )
d[ key ] = value
d[ key ] = value
logs.append( "adding value for %s" % ( repr( key ), ) )
return logs
if __name__ == '__main__':
fulcrm_thing_cluster = fulcrm_get_thing( source = "ganeti-cluster", source_str = ganeti_cluster, name = ganeti_cluster )
if not fulcrm_thing_cluster:
raise ValueError( "cannot find %s cluster in fulcrm" % ganeti_cluster )
for instance in ganeti_get_instances( ganeti_cluster ):
instance_name = instance[ 'id' ]
instance_data = ganeti_get_instance( ganeti_cluster, instance_name )
( vm, vm_fetched_by_passport ) = fulcrm_get_thing( uuid = instance_data[ 'uuid' ],
source = ganeti_cluster, source_str = instance_data[ 'name' ],
name = instance_data[ 'name' ],
) or ( {}, False )
if 'url' in vm:
vm_url = vm[ 'url' ]
vm_url = "/api/v2/thing/"
vm = { "name": instance_name,
"d": {},
print( "NO vm for", instance_name )
vm[ 'source' ] = ganeti_cluster
vm[ 'uuid' ] = instance_data[ 'uuid' ]
vm[ 'source_str' ] = instance_data[ 'name' ]
if 'fulcrm_collections' in vm[ 'd' ]:
if "ganeti_instance" not in vm[ 'd' ].get( 'fulcrm_collections', [] ):
vm[ 'd' ][ 'fulcrm_collections' ].append( 'ganeti_instance' )
vm[ 'd' ][ 'fulcrm_collections' ] = [ 'ganeti_instance' ]
if "host" not in vm[ 'd' ][ 'fulcrm_collections' ]:
vm[ 'd' ][ 'fulcrm_collections' ].append( 'host' )
vm[ 'created' ] = unix_to_8601( instance_data[ 'ctime' ] )
vm[ 'modified' ] = unix_to_8601( instance_data[ 'mtime' ] )
logs = []
logs.extend( fulcrm_set_d( vm[ 'd' ], 'ganeti_nics', [ { 'mac': instance_data[ 'nic.macs' ][ i ],
'uuid': instance_data[ 'nic.uuids' ][ i ],
'ip': instance_data[ 'nic.ips' ][ i ],
'link': instance_data[ 'custom_nicparams' ][ i ].get( 'link', None ),
'mode': instance_data[ 'custom_nicparams' ][ i ].get( 'mode', None ),
'vlan': ganeti_vlan( instance_data[ 'custom_nicparams' ][ i ].get( 'vlan', None ) ),
} for i in range( len( instance_data[ 'nic.macs' ] ) ) ] ) )
logs.extend( fulcrm_set_d( vm[ 'd' ], 'ganeti_disks', [ { 'spindles': instance_data[ 'disk.spindles' ][ i ],
'uuid': instance_data[ 'disk.uuids' ][ i ],
'size': instance_data[ 'disk.sizes' ][ i ],
'template': instance_data[ 'disk_template' ],
} for i in range( len( instance_data[ 'disk.spindles' ] ) ) ] ) )
ganeti_hvparams = instance_data[ 'hvparams' ]
ganeti_hvparams.update( instance_data[ 'custom_hvparams' ] )
ganeti_beparams = instance_data[ 'beparams' ]
ganeti_beparams.update( instance_data[ 'custom_beparams' ] )
logs.extend( fulcrm_set_d( vm[ 'd' ], 'ganeti_hvparams', ganeti_hvparams ) )
logs.extend( fulcrm_set_d( vm[ 'd' ], 'ganeti_beparams', ganeti_beparams ) )
logs.extend( fulcrm_set_d( vm[ 'd' ], 'ganeti_nodes', { 'primary_node': instance_data[ 'pnode' ],
'secondary_nodes': instance_data[ 'snodes' ],
} ) )
logs.extend( fulcrm_set_d( vm[ 'd' ], 'name', instance_name ) )
addrs = set( vm[ 'd' ].get( 'addrs', [] ) )
for rr in resolver.resolve( instance_name, 'A' ):
addrs.add( str( rr ) )
except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN:
except dns.resolver.NoAnswer:
for rr in resolver.resolve( instance_name, 'AAAA' ):
addrs.add( str( rr ) )
except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN:
except dns.resolver.NoAnswer:
if addrs:
vm[ 'd' ][ 'addr' ] = list( addrs )
vm[ 'd' ][ 'addr' ].sort()
vm_is_new = vm.get( 'url', None ) is None
if vm_is_new:
vm = vm_url, vm )
vm = fulcrmapi.patch( vm_url, vm )
if vm_is_new or not vm_fetched_by_passport:
passport = '/api/v2/passport/',
{ 'content_object': vm[ 'url' ],
'system': "gan2ful." + ganeti_cluster,
'passport': instance_data[ 'uuid' ],
}, no_d = True )
if vm_is_new:
vm, vm_fetched_by_passport = fulcrm_get_thing( uuid = instance_data[ 'uuid' ] ) '/api/v2/flag/',
{ 'content_object': vm[ 'url' ],
'flag': u"new instance created in ganeti: no corresponding thing record exists",
'severity': "warning",
'for_user': USER_MAREK,
'type': 'todo',
}, no_d = True )
for log in logs: '/api/v2/l/',
{ 'content_object': vm[ 'url' ],
'log': log,
'system': 'gan2ful',
}, no_d = True )

requirements.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@