some work towards getting donations to be buyable
This commit is contained in:
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ function fulcrm_shoppingcart_admin_form( $form, &$form_state ) {
if ( $product_data[ 'success' ] ) {
if ( $product_data[ 'data' ][ 'results' ] ) {
foreach ( $product_data[ 'data' ][ 'results' ] as $product ) {
$products[ $product[ 'url' ] ] = $product[ 'name' ];
$products[ $product[ 'id' ] ] = $product[ 'name' ];
} else {
@ -81,6 +81,11 @@ function fulcrm_shoppingcart_menu() {
'access callback' => 'user_access',
'access arguments' => array('access content'),
$items[ 'fulcrm/donate' ] = array( 'page callback' => 'fulcrm_shoppingcart_donate',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
'access callback' => 'user_access',
'access arguments' => array('access content'),
$items[ 'fulcrm/checkout' ] = array( 'page callback' => 'fulcrm_shoppingcart_checkout',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
'access callback' => 'user_access',
@ -677,6 +682,95 @@ function fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy_eventbookingtype( $person, $eventbookingtype, $
return drupal_render( $form );
function fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy_donation_product_form_submit( $form, &$form_state ) {
// fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy_generic_product_form_submit( $form, $form_state );
$product_id = $form_state[ 'fulcrm_shoppingcart' ][ 'product' ][ 'id' ];
$person_uuid = NULL;
if ( array_key_exists( 'person', $form_state[ 'fulcrm_shoppingcart' ] ) &&
array_key_exists( 'uuid', $form_state[ 'fulcrm_shoppingcart' ][ 'person' ] ) )
$person_uuid = $form_state[ 'fulcrm_shoppingcart' ][ 'person' ][ 'uuid' ];
$cart = fulcrm_shoppingcart_get_session_cart();
if ( is_array( $cart ) ) {
if ( $person_uuid ) {
$patch = FALSE;
if ( !array_key_exists( 'fulcrm', $cart[ 'd' ] ) ||
!array_key_exists( 'person', $cart[ 'd' ][ 'fulcrm' ] ) ||
!array_key_exists( $person_uuid, $cart[ 'd' ][ 'fulcrm' ][ 'person' ] ) ) {
$cart[ 'd' ][ 'fulcrm' ][ 'person' ][ $person_uuid ] = array( 'uuid' => $person_uuid );
$patch = TRUE;
if ( !array_key_exists( 'transaction', $cart[ 'd' ][ 'fulcrm' ] ) ||
!array_key_exists( 'person', $cart[ 'd' ][ 'fulcrm' ][ 'transaction' ] ) ) {
$cart[ 'd' ][ 'fulcrm' ][ 'transaction' ][ 'person' ] = $person_uuid;
$patch = TRUE;
if ( $patch ) {
$api_data = fulcrm_apiv2_PATCH( $cart[ 'url' ], array( 'd' => $cart[ 'd' ] ),
$query = array( 'expand' => 'd' ) );
$shoppingitem_name = ( $form_state[ 'fulcrm_shoppingcart' ][ 'product' ][ 'name' ] );
$item = array( 'shoppingcart' => $cart[ 'url' ],
'product' => fulcrm_apiv2_make_url( 'product', $product_id ),
'quantity' => 1.0,
'd' => array( 'name' => $shoppingitem_name,
$api_data = fulcrm_apiv2_POST( 'shoppingitem/', $item, $query = array( 'expand' => 'd' ) );
if ( $api_data[ 'success' ] ) {
drupal_set_message( t('Added "%item" to shopping cart.', array( '%item' => $item[ 'd' ][ 'name' ] ) ), 'status' );
$form_state[ 'redirect' ] = 'fulcrm/cart';
} else {
drupal_set_message( t('There was a problem adding your item to the shopping cart.'), 'error' );
} else {
drupal_set_message( t('There was a problem adding your item to the shopping cart.'), 'error' );
function fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy_donation_product_form( $form, &$form_state, $person, $product ) {
$form_state[ 'fulcrm_shoppingcart' ][ 'person' ] = $person;
$form_state[ 'fulcrm_shoppingcart' ][ 'product' ] = $product;
$form = array();
$form[ 'title_product' ] = array( '#type' => 'markup',
'#markup' => '<h3>' . check_plain( $product[ 'name' ] ) . '</h3>',
drupal_set_title( check_plain( $product[ 'data' ][ 'name' ] ) );
$form[ 'actions' ] = array( '#type' => 'actions' );
$form[ 'actions' ][ 'save' ] = array( '#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Add to Cart'),
'#submit' => array( 'fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy_donation_product_form_submit' ),
return $form;
function fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy_donation( $person, $product ) {
$person_id = NULL;
if ( array_key_exists( 'id', $person ) )
$person_id = $person[ 'id' ];
$fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy_eventbookingtype_form = drupal_get_form( 'fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy_donation_form', $person, $product );
return theme( 'fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy_donation', array( 'fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy_donation_form' => $fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy_donation_form ) );
$form = drupal_get_form( 'fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy_eventbookingtype_form', $person, $eventbookingtype, $product );
return drupal_render( $form );
function fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy_generic_product_form_submit( $form, &$form_state ) {
$product_id = $form_state[ 'fulcrm_shoppingcart' ][ 'product' ][ 'id' ];
@ -751,84 +845,97 @@ function fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy_generic_product_form( $form, &$form_state, $per
return $form;
function _fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy( $product_id ) {
$product_data = fulcrm_apiv2_GET( 'product/' . $product_id . '/',
$query = array( 'expand' => implode( ',', array( 'content_object',
) ) ) );
if ( !$product_data[ 'success' ] ) {
return 'error while fetching information about this product!';
if ( user_is_logged_in() ) {
$person_id = fulcrm_webhook_get_pk_for_entity_type( 'user', $user->uid, 'person' );
} else {
$person_id = null;
if ( $person_id ) {
$person_data = fulcrm_apiv2_GET( 'person/' . $person_id . '/',
$query = array( 'expand' => implode( ',', array( 'd',
) ) ) );
if ( !$person_data[ 'success' ] ) {
return 'error while fetching your details!';
} else {
$person_data = array( 'data' => array( 'uuid' => NULL, // initialise as NULL so first item added takes over
'name' => 'website visitor',
'd' => array( 'name' => 'website visitor',
) );
$cart = fulcrm_shoppingcart_get_session_cart( $create = true );
if ( !$cart ) {
return 'error while fetching the contents of your shopping cart!';
$hook_results = module_invoke_all( 'fulcrm_shoppingcart_pre_add_to_cart', $cart, $person_data[ 'data' ], $product_data[ 'data' ] );
foreach ( $hook_results as $hook_result )
return $hook_result;
if ( variable_get( 'fulcrm_shoppingcart_donations', false ) ) {
switch ( $product_data[ 'data' ][ 'id' ] ) {
case variable_set( 'fulcrm_shoppingcart_donation_checkout_product', '' ):
case variable_set( 'fulcrm_shoppingcart_donation_solicited_product', '' ):
return fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy_donation( $person_data[ 'data' ], $product_data[ 'data' ] );
switch ( $product_data[ 'data' ][ 'content_object' ][ 'url' ] ? fulcrm_apiv2_url_to_type( $product_data[ 'data' ][ 'content_object' ][ 'url' ] ) : null ) {
case 'eventbookingtype':
$eventbookingtype_data = fulcrm_apiv2_GET( $product_data[ 'data' ][ 'content_object' ][ 'url' ],
$query = array( 'expand' => implode( ',', array( 'event',
'event.eventparts.eventslots' ) ) ) );
if ( !$eventbookingtype_data[ 'success' ] ) {
return 'error while fetching information about your booking!';
return fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy_eventbookingtype( $person_data[ 'data' ], $eventbookingtype_data[ 'data' ], $product_data[ 'data' ] );
case null:
return drupal_get_form( 'fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy_generic_product_form', $person_data[ 'data' ], $product_data[ 'data' ] );
return 'cannot handle these products yet';
return 'ok!';
function fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy( $product_id, $hmac ) {
global $user;
if ( fulcrm_crypto_check_object_id_hmac( 'product', $product_id, $hmac ) ) {
$product_data = fulcrm_apiv2_GET( 'product/' . $product_id . '/',
$query = array( 'expand' => implode( ',', array( 'content_object',
) ) ) );
if ( !$product_data[ 'success' ] ) {
return 'error while fetching information about this product!';
if ( user_is_logged_in() ) {
$person_id = fulcrm_webhook_get_pk_for_entity_type( 'user', $user->uid, 'person' );
} else {
$person_id = null;
if ( $person_id ) {
$person_data = fulcrm_apiv2_GET( 'person/' . $person_id . '/',
$query = array( 'expand' => implode( ',', array( 'd',
) ) ) );
if ( !$person_data[ 'success' ] ) {
return 'error while fetching your details!';
} else {
$person_data = array( 'data' => array( 'uuid' => NULL, // initialise as NULL so first item added takes over
'name' => 'website visitor',
'd' => array( 'name' => 'website visitor',
) );
$cart = fulcrm_shoppingcart_get_session_cart( $create = true );
if ( !$cart ) {
return 'error while fetching the contents of your shopping cart!';
$hook_results = module_invoke_all( 'fulcrm_shoppingcart_pre_add_to_cart', $cart, $person_data[ 'data' ], $product_data[ 'data' ] );
foreach ( $hook_results as $hook_result )
return $hook_result;
switch ( $product_data[ 'data' ][ 'content_object' ][ 'url' ] ? fulcrm_apiv2_url_to_type( $product_data[ 'data' ][ 'content_object' ][ 'url' ] ) : null ) {
case 'eventbookingtype':
$eventbookingtype_data = fulcrm_apiv2_GET( $product_data[ 'data' ][ 'content_object' ][ 'url' ],
$query = array( 'expand' => implode( ',', array( 'event',
'event.eventparts.eventslots' ) ) ) );
if ( !$eventbookingtype_data[ 'success' ] ) {
return 'error while fetching information about your booking!';
return fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy_eventbookingtype( $person_data[ 'data' ], $eventbookingtype_data[ 'data' ], $product_data[ 'data' ] );
case null:
return drupal_get_form( 'fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy_generic_product_form', $person_data[ 'data' ], $product_data[ 'data' ] );
return 'cannot handle these products yet';
return 'ok!';
return _fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy( $product_id );
} else {
@ -963,6 +1070,15 @@ function fulcrm_shoppingcart_coupon( $transaction_id, $hmac ) {
function fulcrm_shoppingcart_donate() {
if ( variable_get( 'fulcrm_shoppingcart_donations', false ) ) {
$product_id = variable_get( 'fulcrm_shoppingcart_donation_solicited_product', null );
if ( $product_id )
return _fulcrm_shoppingcart_buy( $product_id );
return drupal_goto( 'fulcrm/checkout' );
function fulcrm_shoppingcart_checkout() {
$cart = fulcrm_shoppingcart_get_session_cart( false );
if ( $cart && array_key_exists( 'url', $cart ) ) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user