t('ID'), 'field' => 'fulcrm_campaign.fcid' ), array( 'data' => t('Name'), 'field' => 'fulcrm_campaign.name' ), array( 'data' => t('Subject'), 'field' => 'fulcrm_campaign.subject' ), array( 'data' => t('Actions') ), ); $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign' ); $query = $query ->extend( 'TableSort' ) ->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign', array( 'fcid', 'name', 'subject' ) ); $query = $query ->orderBy('fulcrm_campaign.fcid'); $result = $query->orderByHeader( $header )->execute(); $rows = array(); foreach ( $result as $row ) { $rows[] = array( array( 'data' => '' . $row->fcid . '' ), array( 'data' => $row->name ), array( 'data' => $row->subject ), array( 'data' => 'arrange' ), ); } $build[ 'tablesort_table' ] = array( '#theme' => 'table', '#header' => $header, '#rows' => $rows, ); return $build; } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_settings_form_submit( $form, &$form_state ) { $fcid = intval( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'fcid' ] ); db_update( 'fulcrm_campaign' )->fields( array( 'name' => $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'name' ], 'subject' => $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'subject' ], ) )->condition( 'fulcrm_campaign.fcid', $fcid )->execute(); drupal_set_message( t( 'Campaign information updated.' ) ); } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_settings_form_submit_template( $form, &$form_state ) { if ( $fcid = intval( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'fcid' ] ) ) { $tid = intval( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'template' ] ); fulcrm_campaign_create_campaign_variables_from_template( $fcid, $tid ); drupal_set_message( 'Template variables preloaded.' ); } } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_settings_form_submit_save( $form, &$form_state ) { if ( $fcid = intval( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'fcid' ] ) ) { foreach ( $form_state[ 'values' ] as $name => $value ) { if ( substr( $name , 0, 9 ) === 'variable_' ) db_update( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_value' ) ->condition( 'fcid', $fcid ) ->condition( 'name', substr( $name, 9 ) ) ->fields( array( 'value' => $value ) ) ->execute(); } module_invoke_all( 'fulcrm_campaign_prepared', $fcid ); drupal_set_message( 'Variables saved.' ); } } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_settings_form_submit_new( $form, &$form_state ) { if ( $fcid = intval( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'fcid' ] ) ) { db_insert( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_value' )->fields( array( 'fcid' => $fcid, 'name' => $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'new' ], 'value' => '' ) )->execute(); drupal_set_message( 'Variable added.' ); } } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_settings_form( $form, &$form_state, $fcid ) { $fcid = intval( $fcid ); $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign' )->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign', array( 'fcid', 'name', 'subject' ) )->condition( 'fulcrm_campaign.fcid', $fcid ); foreach ( $query->execute() as $campaign ) { $form[ 'fcid' ] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $campaign->fcid, ); } $form[ 'name' ] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => 'Name (for internal use)', '#default_value' => ( ( array_key_exists( 'values', $form_state ) && $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'name' ] ) ? $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'name' ] : $campaign->name ), ); $form[ 'subject' ] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => 'Subject (of email)', '#default_value' => ( ( array_key_exists( 'values', $form_state ) && $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'subject' ] ) ? $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'subject' ] : $campaign->subject ), ); $form[ 'variables' ] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => 'Campaign Variables', ); $templates = array( 0 => '' ); $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_template' )->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_template', array( 'tid', 'name' ) )->orderBy( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_template.name' ); foreach ( $query->execute() as $row ) { $templates[ $row->tid ] = check_plain( $row->name ); } $form[ 'variables' ][ 'template' ] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => 'Load from template', '#options' => $templates, ); $form[ 'variables' ][ 'template_submit' ] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Use Template'), '#description' => t('Preload variables from this template.'), '#submit' => array( 'fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_settings_form_submit_template' ), // If no javascript action. /* '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'poll_choice_js', 'wrapper' => 'poll-choices', 'method' => 'replace', 'effect' => 'fade', ), */ ); $form[ 'variables' ][ 'values' ] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => 'Current Values', ); $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_value' ) ->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_value', array( 'name', 'value' ) ) ->condition( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_value.fcid', $fcid ) ->orderBy( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_value.name' ); foreach ( $query->execute() as $row ) { $form[ 'variables' ][ 'values' ][ 'variable_' . $row->name ] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => check_plain( $row->name ), '#default_value' => $row->value, ); } $form[ 'variables' ][ 'values' ][ 'save' ] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => 'Save Variables', '#submit' => array( 'fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_settings_form_submit_save' ), ); $form[ 'variables' ][ 'new' ] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => 'New Variable Name', ); $form[ 'variables' ][ 'new_submit' ] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Add Variable'), '#description' => t('Add a new variable to this template.'), '#submit' => array( 'fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_settings_form_submit_new' ), ); $form[ 'actions' ] = array( '#type' => 'actions' ); $form[ 'actions' ][ 'submit' ] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save'), ); return $form; } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_settings( $fcid ) { return drupal_get_form( 'fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_settings_form', $fcid ); } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_new_form_submit( $form, &$form_state ) { $fcid = db_insert( 'fulcrm_campaign' )->fields( array( 'name' => $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'name' ], 'subject' => $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'subject' ], ) )->execute(); if ( $fcid ) { $tid = intval( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'template' ] ); if ( $tid ) fulcrm_campaign_create_campaign_variables_from_template( $fcid, $tid ); drupal_set_message( t( 'Mailshot created!' ) ); drupal_goto( 'admin/content/fulcrm/campaign/' . $fcid . '/edit' ); } else drupal_set_message( t( 'There was an error creating the campaign.' ), $type = 'error' ); } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_new_form( $form, &$form_state ) { $templates = array( 0 => '' ); $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_template' )->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_template', array( 'tid', 'name' ) )->orderBy( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_template.name' ); foreach ( $query->execute() as $row ) { $templates[ $row->tid ] = check_plain( $row->name ); } $form[ 'template' ] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => 'Template', '#options' => $templates, ); $form[ 'name' ] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#default_value' => '', '#title' => 'Name (for internal use)', ); $form[ 'subject' ] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#default_value' => '', '#title' => 'Subject (of email)', ); $form[ 'actions' ] = array( '#type' => 'actions' ); $form[ 'actions' ][ 'submit' ] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Create'), ); return $form; } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_new() { return drupal_get_form( 'fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_new_form' ); } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_node_form_submit( $form, &$form_state ) { if ( $node = node_load( intval( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'nid' ] ) ) ) { $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign_node' ); $query->condition( 'fulcrm_campaign_node.nid', $node->nid ); $query->addExpression( "MAX(weight)", 'max_weight' ); $max_weight = 0; foreach ( $query->execute() as $row ) $max_weight = $row->max_weight; if ( array_key_exists( 'add_to_campaigns', $form_state[ 'values' ] ) ) { foreach ( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'add_to_campaigns' ] as $fcid => $value ) { if ( $value ) { $max_weight++; db_insert( 'fulcrm_campaign_node' )->fields( array( 'nid' => $node->nid, 'fcid' => $fcid, 'weight' => $max_weight, ) )->execute(); } } } if ( array_key_exists( 'remove_from_campaigns', $form_state[ 'values' ] ) ) { foreach ( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'remove_from_campaigns' ] as $fcid => $value ) { if ( $value ) { db_delete( 'fulcrm_campaign_node' )->condition( 'fcid', $fcid )->condition( 'nid', $node->nid )->execute(); } } } } else { drupal_set_message( 'Could not load the correct node.', $type = 'error' ); } } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_node_form( $form, &$form_state, $node ) { $campaigns = array(); $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign' ); $query->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign', array( 'fcid', 'name', 'subject' ) ); foreach ( $query->execute() as $row ) $campaigns[ $row->fcid ] = array( 'name' => check_plain( $row->name ), 'subject' => check_plain( $row->subject ) ); $past_campaigns = array(); $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign_node' ); $query->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign_node', array( 'nid', 'fcid' ) ); $query->join( 'fulcrm_campaign', 'fulcrm_campaign', 'fulcrm_campaign_node.fcid = fulcrm_campaign.fcid' ); $query->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign', array( 'fcid', 'name', 'subject' ) ); $query->leftJoin( 'fulcrm_webhook_entity_mapping', 'fwem', 'fwem.entity_type=\'fulcrm_campaign\' and fwem.fulcrm_type=\'campaign\' and fwem.entity_id = fulcrm_campaign.fcid' ); $query->fields( 'fwem', array( 'entity_id' ) ); $query->isNotNull( 'fwem.entity_id' ); $query->condition( 'fulcrm_campaign_node.nid', $node->nid ); foreach ( $query->execute() as $row ) $past_campaigns[ $row->fcid ] = $row->description; $in_campaigns = array(); $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign_node' ); $query->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign_node', array( 'nid', 'fcid' ) ); $query->join( 'fulcrm_campaign', 'fulcrm_campaign', 'fulcrm_campaign_node.fcid = fulcrm_campaign.fcid' ); $query->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign', array( 'fcid', 'name', 'subject' ) ); $query->leftJoin( 'fulcrm_webhook_entity_mapping', 'fwem', 'fwem.entity_type=\'fulcrm_campaign\' and fwem.fulcrm_type=\'campaign\' and fwem.entity_id = fulcrm_campaign.fcid' ); $query->fields( 'fwem', array( 'entity_id' ) ); $query->isNull( 'fwem.entity_id' ); $query->condition( 'fulcrm_campaign_node.nid', $node->nid ); foreach ( $query->execute() as $row ) { $in_campaigns[ $row->fcid ] = array( 'name' => ( check_plain( $row->name ) . ' (configure)' ), 'subject' => check_plain( $row->subject ) ); if ( array_key_exists( $row->fcid, $campaigns ) ) unset( $campaigns[ $row->fcid ] ); } $form[ 'nid' ] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $node->nid ); $header = array( 'name' => array( 'data' => t('Name (for internal use)') ), 'subject' => array( 'data' => t('Subject (of email)') ) ); if ( $campaigns ) { $form[ 'add_to_campaigns' ] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => 'Add Content to Open Mailshots', ); $form[ 'add_to_campaigns' ][ 'add_to_campaigns' ] = array( '#type' => 'tableselect', '#options' => $campaigns, '#header' => $header, ); } if ( $in_campaigns ) { $form[ 'remove_from_campaigns' ] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => 'Remove Content from Pending Mailshots', ); $form[ 'remove_from_campaigns' ][ 'remove_from_campaigns' ] = array( '#type' => 'tableselect', '#options' => $in_campaigns, '#header' => $header, ); } if ( $past_campaigns ) { $form[ 'history_campaigns' ] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => 'Content was Used in Mailshots', ); foreach ( $past_campaigns as $fcid => $description ) { $form[ 'history_campaigns' ][ $fcid ] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#title' => $description ); } } if ( $past_campaigns || $in_campaigns || $campaigns ) { $form[ 'actions' ] = array( '#type' => 'actions' ); $form[ 'actions' ][ 'submit' ] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save'), ); } else { $form[ 'nothing' ] = array( '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => 'This content does not appear in any campaigns, and currently no open/pending campaigns are available for you to add it to.', ); } return $form; } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_node( $node ) { return drupal_get_form( 'fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_node_form', $node ); } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_edit_form_submit( $form, &$form_state ) { $fcid = intval( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'fcid' ] ); if ( $fcid ) { foreach ( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'content' ] as $nid => $item ) { db_update( 'fulcrm_campaign_node' )->condition( 'fcid', $fcid )->condition( 'nid', $nid )->fields( array( 'weight' => $item[ 'weight' ] ) )->execute(); } } } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_edit_form( $form, &$form_state, $fcid ) { $form[ 'fcid' ] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $fcid, ); $form[ 'content' ][ '#tree' ] = TRUE; $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign_node' ); $query->join( 'node', 'node', 'fulcrm_campaign_node.nid = node.nid' ); $query->condition( 'fulcrm_campaign_node.fcid', $fcid ); $query->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign_node', array( 'nid', 'weight' ) ); $query->fields( 'node', array( 'title' ) ); $query->orderBy( 'fulcrm_campaign_node.weight' ); foreach ( $query->execute() as $row ) { $form[ 'content' ][ $row->nid ] = array( 'title' => array( '#markup' => check_plain( $row->title ), ), 'weight' => array( '#type' => 'weight', '#title' => t('Weight'), '#default_value' => $row->weight, '#delta' => 10, '#title-display' => 'invisible', ), ); } $form[ 'actions' ] = array( '#type' => 'actions' ); $form[ 'actions' ][ 'submit' ] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save Order'), ); return $form; } function theme_fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_edit_form( $variables ) { $form = $variables['form']; $rows = array(); foreach ( element_children( $form[ 'content' ] ) as $id ) { $form[ 'content' ][ $id ][ 'weight' ][ '#attributes' ][ 'class' ] = array( 'fulcrm-campaign-content-item-weight' ); $rows[] = array( 'data' => array( drupal_render( $form[ 'content' ][ $id ][ 'title' ] ), drupal_render( $form[ 'content' ][ $id ][ 'weight' ] ), ), 'class' => array( 'draggable' ), ); } $header = array( t('Title'), t('Weight') ); $output = theme( 'table', array( 'header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows, 'attributes' => array( 'id' => 'fulcrm-campaign-content-items-table' ) ) ); $output .= drupal_render_children( $form ); drupal_add_tabledrag( 'fulcrm-campaign-content-items-table', 'order', 'sibling', 'fulcrm-campaign-content-item-weight' ); return $output; } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_edit( $fcid ) { return drupal_get_form( 'fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_edit_form', $fcid ); } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_view_form_submit( $form, &$form_state ) { $batch = array( 'title' => t('Building Content'), 'operations' => array(), 'finished' => 'fulcrm_campaign_batch_campaign_view_finished', ); $fcid = intval( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'fcid' ] ); $counter = 0; // clear out this campaign's queue and related content $qquery = db_select( 'fms_queue' )->fields( 'fms_queue', array( 'qid' ) )->condition( 'fcid', $fcid ); foreach ( $qquery->execute() as $row ) { db_delete( 'fms_queue2content' )->condition( 'qid', $row->qid )->execute(); db_delete( 'fms_variable' )->condition( 'qid', $row->qid )->execute(); } db_delete( 'fms_queue' )->condition( 'fcid', $fcid )->execute(); db_delete( 'fms_content' )->condition( 'fcid', $fcid )->execute(); db_update( 'fms_campaign' )->condition( 'fcid', $fcid )->fields( array( 'status' => null ) )->execute(); $themes = variable_get( 'fms_theme_cache' ); $theme = $themes[ $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'theme' ] ]; $module = $theme[ '#batch_module' ]; $hook = $theme[ '#batch_hook' ]; $args = $theme[ '#batch_arguments' ]; $nids = array(); $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign_node' )->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign_node', array( 'nid' ) )->condition( 'fulcrm_campaign_node.fcid', $fcid )->orderBy( 'fulcrm_campaign_node.weight' ); foreach ( $query->execute() as $row ) $nids[] = $row->nid; $headers = fulcrm_campaign_create_headers(); foreach ( module_invoke( $module, $hook, $fcid, $headers, $nids, $args ) as $operation ) { $batch[ 'operations' ][] = array( 'fulcrm_campaign_batch_campaign', array( $fcid, $counter++, $operation[ '#module' ], $operation[ '#hook' ], $operation[ '#args' ] ) ); } $batch[ 'operations' ][] = array( 'fulcrm_campaign_batch_campaign_last', array( $fcid ) ); batch_set( $batch ); } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_view_form_submit_template( $form, &$form_state ) { if ( $fcid = intval( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'fcid' ] ) ) { $tid = intval( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'template' ] ); fulcrm_campaign_create_campaign_variables_from_template( $fcid, $tid ); drupal_set_message( 'Template variables preloaded.' ); } } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_view_form_submit_save( $form, &$form_state ) { if ( $fcid = intval( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'fcid' ] ) ) { foreach ( $form_state[ 'values' ] as $name => $value ) { if ( substr( $name , 0, 9 ) === 'variable_' ) db_update( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_value' ) ->condition( 'fcid', $fcid ) ->condition( 'name', substr( $name, 9 ) ) ->fields( array( 'value' => $value ) )->execute(); } module_invoke_all( 'fulcrm_campaign_prepared', $fcid ); drupal_set_message( 'Variables saved.' ); } } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_view_form_submit_new( $form, &$form_state ) { if ( $fcid = intval( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'fcid' ] ) ) { db_insert( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_value' )->fields( array( 'fcid' => $fcid, 'name' => $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'new' ], 'value' => '' ) )->execute(); drupal_set_message( 'Variable added.' ); } } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_view_form( $form, &$form_state, $fcid ) { $form[ 'fcid' ] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $fcid, ); $form[ 'variables' ] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => 'Mailshot Variables', ); $templates = array( 0 => '' ); $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_template' )->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_template', array( 'tid', 'name' ) )->orderBy( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_template.name' ); foreach ( $query->execute() as $row ) { $templates[ $row->tid ] = check_plain( $row->name ); } $form[ 'variables' ][ 'template' ] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => 'Load from template', '#options' => $templates, ); $form[ 'variables' ][ 'template_submit' ] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Use Template'), '#description' => t('Preload variables from this template.'), '#submit' => array( 'fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_view_form_submit_template' ), // If no javascript action. /* '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'poll_choice_js', 'wrapper' => 'poll-choices', 'method' => 'replace', 'effect' => 'fade', ), */ ); $form[ 'variables' ][ 'values' ] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => 'Current Values', ); $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_value' )->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_value', array( 'name', 'value' ) )->condition( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_value.fcid', $fcid )->orderBy( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_value.name' ); foreach ( $query->execute() as $row ) { $form[ 'variables' ][ 'values' ][ 'variable_' . $row->name ] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => check_plain( $row->name ), '#default_value' => $row->value, ); } $form[ 'variables' ][ 'values' ][ 'save' ] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => 'Save Variables', '#submit' => array( 'fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_view_form_submit_save' ), ); $form[ 'variables' ][ 'new' ] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => 'New Variable Name', ); $form[ 'variables' ][ 'new_submit' ] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Add Variable'), '#description' => t('Add a new variable to this template.'), '#submit' => array( 'fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_view_form_submit_new' ), ); $form[ 'actions' ] = array( '#type' => 'actions' ); $form[ 'actions' ][ 'submit' ] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Sync to fulcrm'), ); return $form; } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_view( $fcid ) { return drupal_get_form( 'fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_view_form', $fcid ); } function _fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_sync_build( $fcid, $fetch = false, $errors = false, $quick = false ) { global $user; $campaign = array( 'd' => array() ); if ( $fetch ) { $campaign_id = fulcrm_webhook_get_pk_for_entity_type( 'fulcrm_campaign', $fcid, 'campaign' ); if ( $campaign_id ) { $api_data = fulcrm_apiv2_GET( 'campaign/' . $campaign_id . '/', $query = array( 'expand' => implode( ',', array( 'd', ) ) ) ); if ( $api_data[ 'success' ] ) { $campaign = $api_data[ 'data' ]; } else { if ( $errors ) drupal_set_message( t('Error fetching existing campaign data from fulcrm.'), 'error', FALSE ); } } else { if ( $errors ) drupal_set_message( t('This campaign has never been synced with fulcrm before.'), 'warning', FALSE ); } } $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign' )->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign', array( 'fcid', 'name', 'subject' ) )->condition( 'fulcrm_campaign.fcid', $fcid ); foreach ( $query->execute() as $row ) { $campaign[ 'name' ] = $row->name; $campaign[ 'subject' ] = $row->subject; } $campaign[ 'd' ][ 'name' ] = $campaign[ 'name' ]; $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_value' ) ->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_value', array( 'name', 'value' ) ) ->condition( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_value.fcid', $fcid ) ->orderBy( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_value.name' ); foreach ( $query->execute() as $row ) { $campaign[ $row->name ] = $row->value; } if ( $quick ) { $campaign[ 'd' ][ 'drupal_content' ] = '...Drupal content data goes here...'; $campaign[ 'd' ][ 'drupal_content_list' ] = '...Drupal content references go here...'; } else { $old_user = $user; $user = user_load( variable_get( 'fulcrm_uid', 0 ) ); $drupal_content = array(); $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign_node' ) ->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign_node', array( 'nid' ) ) ->condition( 'fulcrm_campaign_node.fcid', $fcid ) ->orderBy( 'fulcrm_campaign_node.weight' ); foreach ( $query->execute() as $row ) { $node = node_load( $row->nid ); if ( $node ) { $uri = entity_uri( 'node', $node ); $node_data = array( ( 'is_node_type_' . $node->type . '?' ) => TRUE, 'node_url' => url( $uri[ 'path' ], array_merge( $uri[ 'options' ], array( 'absolute' => TRUE ) ) ), 'date' => format_date( $node->created ), 'name' => theme( 'username', array( 'account' => $node ) ), ); foreach ( get_object_vars( $node ) as $k => $v ) { switch ( $k ) { case 'data': $node_data[ 'data' ] = unserialize( $v ); break; default: if ( strpos( $k, 'field_' ) === 0 ) { $v = _fulcrm_campaign_admin_array_copy( $v ); $v[ 'is_field?' ] = TRUE; foreach ( $v as $lang => $langitems ) { $user = $old_user; for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $langitems ); $i++ ) { $v[ $lang ][ $i ][ 'is_field_value?' ] = TRUE; if ( array_key_exists( 'filemime', $langitems[ $i ] ) ) { if ( strpos( $langitems[ $i ][ 'filemime' ], 'image/' ) === 0 ) { $v[ 'is_image_field?' ] = TRUE; $v[ $lang ][ $i ][ 'is_image?' ] = TRUE; foreach ( image_styles() as $imagestyle => $styledata ) { $v[ $lang ][ $i ][ 'image_style_' . $imagestyle . '_url' ] = url( image_style_url( $imagestyle, $v[ $lang ][ $i ][ 'uri' ] ), array( 'absolute' => TRUE ) ); } } } } } } $node_data[ $k ] = $v; break; } } $drupal_content[ 'node_' . $node->nid ] = $node_data; $campaign[ $row->name ] = $row->value; } } $campaign[ 'd' ][ 'drupal_content' ] = $drupal_content; $campaign[ 'd' ][ 'drupal_content_list' ] = array_keys( $drupal_content ); $user = $old_user; } return $campaign; } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_sync_form_submit( $form, &$form_state ) { if ( $fcid = intval( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'fcid' ] ) ) { $campaign = _fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_sync_build( $fcid ); $campaign_id = fulcrm_webhook_get_pk_for_entity_type( 'fulcrm_campaign', $fcid, 'campaign' ); if ( $campaign_id ) { $api_data = fulcrm_apiv2_PATCH( 'campaign/' . $campaign_id . '/', $campaign, $query = array( 'expand' => 'd' ) ); } else { $api_data = fulcrm_apiv2_POST( 'campaign/', $campaign, $query = array( 'expand' => 'd' ) ); if ( $api_data[ 'success' ] ) { $url = $api_data[ 'headers' ][ 'Location' ]; $fulcrm_type = fulcrm_apiv2_url_to_type( $url ); $campaign_id = fulcrm_apiv2_url_to_pk( $url ); fulcrm_webhook_set_entity_mapping( $entity_type = 'fulcrm_campaign', $bundle = 'fulcrm_campaign', $entity_id = $fcid, $fulcrm_type = $fulcrm_type, $fulcrm_pk = $campaign_id ); } } if ( $api_data[ 'success' ] ) { drupal_set_message( 'Campaign ' . $fcid . ' synced to fulcrm.', 'status', FALSE ); } else { drupal_set_message( 'Campaign ' . $fcid . ' could not be synced to fulcrm.', 'error', FALSE ); } } } function _fulcrm_campaign_admin_array_copy( array $array ) { $result = array(); foreach ( $array as $key => $val ) { if ( is_array( $val ) ) { $result[ $key ] = _fulcrm_campaign_admin_array_copy( $val ); } elseif ( is_object( $val ) ) { $result[ $key ] = clone $val; } else { $result[ $key ] = $val; } } return $result; } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_sync_form( $form, &$form_state, $fcid ) { $form[ 'fcid' ] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $fcid, ); $campaign = _fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_sync_build( $fcid, $fetch = true, $errors = true, $quick = true ); $form[ 'obj' ] = array( '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '
' . check_plain( print_r( $campaign, 1 ) ) . '
', ); $form[ 'actions' ] = array( '#type' => 'actions' ); $form[ 'actions' ][ 'submit' ] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Sync to fulcrm'), ); return $form; } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_sync( $fcid = 0 ) { return drupal_get_form( 'fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_sync_form', $fcid ); } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_delete_form_submit( $form, &$form_state ) { if ( $fcid = intval( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'fcid' ] ) ) { db_delete( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_value' )->condition( 'fcid', $fcid )->execute(); db_delete( 'fulcrm_campaign' )->condition( 'fcid', $fcid )->execute(); drupal_set_message( t('Campaign deleted.'), 'status', FALSE ); } $form_state[ 'redirect' ] = 'admin/content/fulcrm/campaign'; } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_delete_form( $form, &$form_state, $fcid ) { $form[ 'fcid' ] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $fcid, ); $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign' )->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign', array( 'fcid', 'name' ) )->condition( 'fulcrm_campaign.fcid', $fcid ); foreach ( $query->execute() as $row ) $name = $row->name; $form[ 'confirm' ] = array( '#title' => 'Are you sure?', '#type' => 'item', '#markup' => 'This will delete the campaign ' . check_plain( $name ) . '. There is no way to "undo" this operation! Also note that this will not delete any campaign it has created in fulcrm.', ); $form[ 'actions' ] = array( '#type' => 'actions' ); $form[ 'actions' ][ 'submit' ] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Delete'), ); $form[ 'actions' ][ 'cancel' ] = array( '#type' => 'link', '#href' => 'admin/content/fulcrm/campaign', '#title' => 'Cancel', ); return $form; } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_delete( $fcid ) { return drupal_get_form( 'fulcrm_campaign_admin_campaign_delete_form', $fcid ); } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_config_template_form( $form, &$form_state ) { $header = array( array( 'data' => t('Template'), 'field' => 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_template.name' ), array( 'data' => t('Actions') ), ); $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_template' )->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_template', array( 'tid', 'name' ) )->extend( 'TableSort' ); $result = $query->orderByHeader( $header )->execute(); $rows = array(); foreach ( $result as $row ) { $rows[ $row->tid ] = array( array( 'data' => $row->name ), array( 'data' => 'edit' ), ); } $form[ 'tablesort_table' ] = array( '#theme' => 'table', '#header' => $header, '#rows' => $rows, '#empty' => t('No templates found.'), '#attributes' => array(), ); return $form; } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_config_template() { return drupal_get_form( 'fulcrm_campaign_admin_config_template_form' ); } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_config_template_add_form_submit( $form, &$form_state ) { if ( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'name' ] ) { $tid = db_insert( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_template' )->fields( array( 'name' => $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'name' ]) )->execute(); drupal_set_message( t('Template created!') ); drupal_goto( 'admin/config/services/fulcrm/campaign/template/' . $tid . '/edit' ); } } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_config_template_add_form( $form, &$form_state ) { $form[ 'name' ] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => 'Template Name', ); $form[ 'actions' ] = array( '#type' => 'actions' ); $form[ 'actions' ][ 'submit' ] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Add'), ); return $form; } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_config_template_add() { return drupal_get_form( 'fulcrm_campaign_admin_config_template_add_form' ); } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_config_template_edit_form_submit( $form, &$form_state ) { if ( $tid = intval( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'tid' ] ) ) { db_update( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_template' )->condition( 'tid', $tid )->fields( array( 'name' => $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'name' ], ) )->execute(); foreach ( $form_state[ 'values' ] as $name => $value ) { if ( substr( $name , 0, 9 ) === 'variable_' ) db_update( 'fulcrm_campaign_template_value' )->condition( 'tid', $tid )->condition( 'name', substr( $name, 9 ) )->fields( array( 'value' => $value, ) )->execute(); } drupal_set_message( 'Template updated.' ); } } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_config_template_edit_form_submit_new( $form, &$form_state ) { if ( $tid = intval( $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'tid' ] ) ) { db_insert( 'fulcrm_campaign_template_value' )->fields( array( 'tid' => $tid, 'name' => $form_state[ 'values' ][ 'new' ], 'value' => '' ) )->execute(); drupal_set_message( 'Variable added.' ); } } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_config_template_edit_form( $form, &$form_state, $tid ) { $form[ 'tid' ] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $tid, ); $template_name = ''; $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_template' ); $query->condition( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_template.tid', $tid ); $query->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign_variable_template', array( 'name' ) ); foreach ( $query->execute() as $row ) $template_name = $row->name; $form[ 'name' ] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => 'Template Name', '#default_value' => $template_name, ); $form[ 'variables' ] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => 'Variables', ); $query = db_select( 'fulcrm_campaign_template_value' )->fields( 'fulcrm_campaign_template_value', array( 'name', 'value' ) )->condition( 'fulcrm_campaign_template_value.tid', $tid )->orderBy( 'fulcrm_campaign_template_value.name' ); foreach ( $query->execute() as $row ) { $form[ 'variables' ][ 'values' ][ 'variable_' . $row->name ] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => check_plain( $row->name ), '#default_value' => $row->value, ); } $form[ 'variables' ][ 'new' ] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => 'New Variable Name', ); $form[ 'variables' ][ 'new_submit' ] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Add Variable'), '#description' => t('Add a new variable to this template.'), '#submit' => array( 'fulcrm_campaign_admin_config_template_edit_form_submit_new' ), ); $form[ 'actions' ] = array( '#type' => 'actions' ); $form[ 'actions' ][ 'submit' ] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save'), ); return $form; } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_config_template_edit( $tid = 0 ) { return drupal_get_form( 'fulcrm_campaign_admin_config_template_edit_form', $tid ); } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_config_settings_form_submit( $form, &$form_state ) { drupal_set_message( t('The fulcrm Campaign settings have been saved.') ); } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_config_settings_form( $form, &$form_state ) { $form[ 'actions' ] = array( '#type' => 'actions' ); $form[ 'actions' ][ 'submit' ] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save'), ); return $form; } function fulcrm_campaign_admin_config_settings() { return drupal_get_form( 'fulcrm_campaign_admin_config_settings_form' ); }