@ -6,6 +6,51 @@ import progress.bar
import ssl
import os
import yaml
import re
# comment format:
# hostname.example.com [aM flag1 flag2 key1=value1 key2=option3:value3,option4:value4] selector.example.com
aM1 = re.compile( r"\[aM ?([^]]*)\]" )
def parse_comment( comment ):
bits = aM1.split( comment )
if len( bits ) == 3:
hostname = bits[ 0 ].strip()
selector = bits[ 2 ].strip()
if not selector:
selector = hostname
rval = {}
for bit in bits[ 1 ].split():
( k, v ) = bit.split( "=", 1 )
except ValueError:
if bit:
rval[ bit ] = True
if ':' in v:
rval[ k ] = {}
for subbit in v.split( "," ):
( subk, subv ) = subbit.split( ":", 1 )
rval[ k ][ subk ] = subv
rval[ k ] = v
return ( selector, rval, hostname )
return ( None, None, comment )
def make_comment( selector, rval, hostname ):
rvalbits = [ "aM" ]
for ( k, v ) in rval.items():
if v is True:
rvalbits.append( k )
elif isinstance( v, dict ):
rvalbits.append( "%s=%s" % ( k, ",".join( "%s:%s" % vi for vi in v.items() ) ) )
rvalbits.append( "%s=%s" % ( k, v ) )
if selector == hostname:
return "%s [%s]" % ( hostname, " ".join( rvalbits ) )
return "%s [%s] %s" % ( hostname, " ".join( rvalbits ), selector )
def connection( host, username = None, password = None, port = 8729 ):
if ':' in host:
@ -44,9 +89,30 @@ def connect_routers( config, args ):
def monty_check( args ):
for addr in args.addr:
for name, api in args.router.items():
for item in api( cmd ="/ip/address/print", detail = True ):
if item[ 'network' ] == addr:
print( name, ":", 'ENABLED' if not item[ 'disabled' ] else 'disabled', item[ 'interface' ], '#', item[ 'comment' ] )
ip_address = api.path( 'ip', 'address' )
for item in ip_address:
( sel, rval, hst ) = parse_comment( item.get( 'comment', '' ) )
active = not item[ 'disabled' ] and not item[ 'invalid' ]
if sel == addr or hst == addr:
print( name, ":", 'ENABLED' if active else 'disabled', item[ 'interface' ] )
def monty_fixup( args ):
global config
for name, api in args.router.items():
ip_address = api.path( 'ip', 'address' )
for item in ip_address:
if item[ 'interface' ].startswith( "loop" ):
if item[ 'address' ] in config[ 'loopbacks' ]:
( sel, rval, hst ) = parse_comment( item.get( 'comment', '' ) )
if sel is None:
rval = {}
active = not item[ 'disabled' ] and not item[ 'invalid' ]
if active:
rval[ 'home' ] = True
new_comment = make_comment( hst, rval, hst )
print( name, ":", item[ 'interface' ], new_comment )
ip_address.update( **{ 'comment': new_comment, '.id': item[ '.id' ] } )
def load_configuration():
@ -55,8 +121,9 @@ def load_configuration():
return {}
return yaml.load( config.read(), yaml.SafeLoader )
config = load_configuration()
def main():
config = load_configuration()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog = "automonty",
description = 'AutoMonty (re-)configures routers',
@ -65,9 +132,12 @@ def main():
parser.add_argument( '--router', action = 'append' )
parser_check = subparsers.add_parser( 'check' )
parser_check.add_argument( 'addr', action = 'append' )
parser_check.add_argument( 'addr', nargs = "*" )
parser_check.set_defaults( func = monty_check )
parser_fixup = subparsers.add_parser( 'fixup' )
parser_fixup.set_defaults( func = monty_fixup )
args = parser.parse_args()
args.router = connect_routers( config = config.get( 'router', {} ), args = args.router )